About InfraMomentum

InfraMomentum was created because I know the vital importance of choosing the right IT infrastructure hardware and software systems needed to actually run a business.

This is exactly what I’ve done for over 20 years.

In the past, I've relied on pundits, vendors, and industry insiders to help make informed decisions. But vendors just want the sale, pundits want the notoriety and analysts want the recurring client subscription.

Many of today’s networking analysts have never spent a single day as an IT administrator or architect. This is a big problem for enterprises making real-world decisions for their business. At the same time, it represents a huge opportunity to add real value where others haven’t.

Enter InfraMomentum.

We live to deliver timely, useful analysis of new enterprise IT technology, use cases and network architectures. We do this by eliminating superfluous and irrelevant content on which IT staff simply can’t take demonstrable action.

Our clients want prompt and actionable technical analysis essential for enterprise IT architects to succeed.

That’s what we’re all about.

-Andrew Froehlich